Recipes & Roots

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Gomashio popcorn

Forget butter and powdered toppings, this is really where it’s at. Whenever my daughter’s and I go to the movies we are always disappointed in the popcorn because ours is so much better at home. We use a hot air popper and real butter. My favourite toppings are nutritional yeast (nooch) and this gomashio. Right up there in the top three is cheesy popcorn, but that’s a story for a different day.


  • 3/4 cup popcorn kenerals

  • 1/4 cup salted butter, melted

  • 2 tbsp gomashio (homemade or store bought)


  1. pop the corn in the air popper

  2. pour butter over and toss

  3. sprinkle gomashio over and toss


Feel free to adjust the butter and gomashio ratios as needed. Everyone’s tastes are different!

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